Episode 36 – Sleeves, Socks, and Shawls

Episode 36 – Sleeves, Socks, and Shawls


Here we go… quickie notes today!

Summer Lovin Craft-along!  Join it! Chat here! (I just now came up with craft-along.  After a month.  I’m so clever.)

East Tennessee Yarn Crawl!  It’s gonna be awesome!

Tour de Fleece!  Starts June 29! Let’s do this!

Sallyfromidaho is the awesome for cranking out this In The Pink!

Elise Shawl (crochet) in the CCC Tealish Purple!  FINALLY.

Koi Rama in the laceweight alpaca from Annadele Alpacas (they have a facebook page!)

Serpentine Socks out of handspun from Tempted for the Tennessee Valley Handspinner’s Guild challenge for this year.

Cerisara in Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool.  SLEEVES!  YAY!!

Spinning Moonwood Farms Big-A**-Kicking Batt.  Should I ply with thread? Or together?  Eh?

Acquired a Doctor Who project bag!  Yay! From Star Knits.

Botanical Knits came in the mail.  Such a pretty book.

Proper review of the Wolf Farms products.  Love.  Swoon.  Etc.  I will be making more purchases in the future.



  1. Enid Mary Shaw says:

    it is playing episode 35!!!!!!!!

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