Learn With Me – Andean Plying

Learn With Me – Andean Plying


This week, I bring you a Learn With Me video I shot back in July during the Tour de  Fleece about Andean Plying.  I hope you enjoy!

The video I learned from is by Karen Diaz, and is on youtube here.

This is where I would go to remind myself how to wrap before I wised up and drew it on my tool.

knitty.com discussed a slightly different method for making the bracelet.


  1. Enid Mary Shaw says:

    hi Amanda, long time no comment!!!!!!!!!!!!
    hopefully I can now catch up on your adventures.
    have you left Plurk, I haven’t seen any posts from you for ages. ?
    take care,
    aka knitcroc

    • Hi, Enid! I have let Plurk fall to the wayside; I mainly use Instagram these days! I will try to remember to post update messages there from now on!

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